It’s Black Friday, it’s Cyber Monday, it’s Giving Tuesday, it’s Gift Guide after Gift Guide season. Is it just me, or does the proliferation of gift guides make you feel vaguely despairing? They’re both useful—and soulless. Look! Chocolates shaped like sardines in a fake sardine tin! Ooh, nubby socks! A perfect gold necklace! A beautiful hand towel! A cheeky candle! An actually useful techy tool! A book on some obscure topic rendered totally riveting in the hands of a brilliant author!
It’s all so seductive. I might see something good and with just a few clicks I can buy it for someone (or myself). Only, immediately afterward, I feel a pinprick of guilt.
If you find someone’s gift on a gift guide, is it truly a gift? Admit it: You didn’t do shit!
Also, do we really need all this stuff?