"I am a survivor of Hamilton High School’s Music Academy where people would walk down the hall singing Guys and Dolls." This made me laugh so hard! Sometimes I miss Hami and sometimes I'm glad high school is over.

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H-to-the-A-to-the-M-to-the-I, go Hami...westSIDE!

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Something that’s making me happy: my spouse and I have been taking a walk together most days, 2 to 4 miles, whatever we have time for. I love walking, but my spouse has been resistant to it until recently, and now we’re getting so much fucking joy out of taking walks together!!! For however long it lasts, I love it.

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Hi Molly! Ooh a couple walk--that sounds so comforting and romantic. I am loving walking through my canyon neighborhood 2-3 mornings a week. I do it alone, though. I've been listening to nonfiction audiobooks as I do so, though, and loving the ritual. I'm currently like 5% into the 45-hour-long (!) reading of Red Comet, the Sylvia Plath bio. I don't love the narrator but I'm really into the book!

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Edan Lepucki

Appreciate your post on joy- especially as a companion to the last newsletter on crying. I’ve seen ‘Into the Woods’ live twice, plus the movie w/ Meryl Streep. 1st time - in NY with Bernadette Peters as the witch on my 1st trip to NY at age 13.

Love how re-working fairy tales subverts stereotypes & gender roles. Artist Kiki Smith’s reimagining of the wolf and red riding hood’s relationship, as well as exploring notions of Eve, Snow White, the apple of knowledge, & the witch as a wise crone all provide rich material.

In terms of joy- last week I went out twice at sunset with friends- being outside at night on a terrace with a breeze after CA’s oppressive heat - wearing lipstick & heels - drinking wine while discussing art & books - surrounded by adults- taking a break from the kids & house is a favorite means to escape the reality of daily responsibility.

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Those sunset outings sounds sooooooooo fun. We need those little respites from the domestic life!

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Edan Lepucki

Damn it, that song made me cry on the subway. It is lovely and I feel those lyrics in my soul. Thanks:)

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the whole soundtrack comes out 9/30 if you're ready for a real musical deep dive!

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Edan Lepucki

I never did get to see "Into the woods." It just slipped my mind. I grew up on musicals in a day and age before we had cable, when there were only four channels to choose from. My mother loved musicals, (frustrated wanna-be opera singer whose life was disrupted by the War) which of course explained why she was always singing, and why she watched every musical that came on. So I thank you for that little clip.

As for the creative mothers, it reminded me of something I read about Alice Munro (my goddess!) when she said she would neglect the housework as often as she did the children whenever the Muse came to visit. I suppose life got easier when the kids went to school, but having grown up as a child during the 60s & 70s, I could see how a woman's work was never done. With six kids and no dryer, it would take my mother all day to do the laundry, and all of the next day to do the ironing.

They say life was simpler back then, but they don't really have a clue, do they? I can't imagine how they found the time to write and raise a family. (And did you notice how "raise a family" was second on the list? Because housework suffered and writing prevailed.)

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Thanks for writing, Ben! I recommend you find the Bernadette Peters production of Into the Woods on YouTube. You will love it!

You're so right about the intensity of domestic tasks in the past--my grandmother had one of those washing machines with the wringer! That shit was hard work! It's challenging enough in 2022 to get my writing done, and that's in an equitable marriage, with a drier for the laundry, a dishwasher in the kitchen, and the ease of a Swiffer for my dirty floors!

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