Welcome new subscribers! The following is the weekly email I send to paying readers. These newsletters are meant to be short(ish) missives about all sorts of stuff that interests, delights, or preoccupies me. In the past few months, I’ve written about my writing, my kids, what I’m reading, wearing, or watching. I sometimes share a poem I love. Occasionally, I write something personal that I wouldn’t feel comfortable putting out for the entire interwebs to read…
This week, I thought it might be fun to talk about food.
My siblings, my mom, and I have a group text dedicated to sharing what we’re having for dinner. These are highly particular transmissions that reveal so much about how we punctuate our days, how we live our lives. I feel comforted knowing their answers to this simple question: What did you eat tonight?
In that spirit, here are my last seven dinners: